Top three Ways to Cure Arthritis Hand Pain | Arthritis Hand Pain

Hand arthritis can occur mainly in 3 areas, such as wrist joint, finger joints, and knuckle joints. When these joints are affected by arthritis, daily activities such as writing, threading needle or tying shoelace etc. Become very difficult. Out of all forms, hand arthritis is very perilous. However it’s possible to get relief from pains associated through natural remedies.

Top 3 ways to cure arthritis hand pains are:

-Use of Alternative Medicines: Few alternative medicines are found to be very successful in relieving pain. One of the most popular alternative medicines is the use of herbs & massages. Acupuncture and visiting a chiropractor can be equally helpful for curing hand pain.

-Non-surgical Treatment: 3 most popular non-surgical treatments are medications, injections, and splinting.

Medication: Medications works as anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatories are capable of stopping the body from producing chemical, responsible for swelling & pain. Tylenol and Advil are 2 most popular over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs. Celebrex is a popular prescription drug for arthritic pain relief. Though medications treat symptoms, they’re unable to restore joint cartilage or joint damage.

Injections: When anti-inflammatory medications are ineffective, injections are used. These injections contain a long lasting anesthetic & steroid. These injections are capable of providing pain relief, which can varies from weeks to months depending upon the amount of doses.

Splinting: Splints have to be used when joint hurts. The splint helps to support the joints. Splinting works along with injections as supplementary.

One other helpful thing in relation to this study. -Surgical Treatment: If non-surgical option fails to relief the arthritis hand pains, then surgery should be preferred. Usually surgery is the best option in providing long-term pain relief. Joint replacement is one of the popular methods in the surgical treatment.

Though these are the best 3 ways to cure arthritis hand pain, these can have possible site effects. Possible side effects of injections are lightening of the skin, weakening of the tendons and ligaments. Infections may be one of the major side effects of these practices.

How to cure arthritis pain-Joint Pain Remedy.wmv – YouTube

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My akita is slowing down and developing a limp,arthritis? My akita is 6. She has begun slowing down over the last year but i've noticed more recently occasionally she has a limp of her front right leg. Its not there all the time, mostly in the mornings or when she first gets up. This morning she struggled to get down the stairs… Ive noticed she’ll go out to do her jobs, isnt overly interested in a long walk will sit down when she's had enough resultng in me calling my husband out of work to come pick us up in the car (Im not carrying an akita home!) so Ive slowed down walking her. On a typical day she’ll get up go out to do her stuff and go back upstairs to bed where she’ll stay till around 3-4pm then come down wanting food and to go out again and will take part in the family (she always used to want to be around us constantly). She’s insured but I dont want to put her through arthritis treatment as my husband suffers and is in chronic pain with it even with pain medication. I know she hasnt hurt it, and I,ve checked her paws and flexed her leg and found nothing she seems to be limping from the shoulder… Again this is more common in the morning and gradually wears off through the day once she’s up and around but she’s choosing to lie down a lot more in the day making the whole thing more noticable. She last saw the vet around six weeks ago for some lumps but they turned out to be nothing. She had the limp then and they just said she's getting older.

The Adverse Health Risks of Secondhand Smoke

The most serious risk that smokers pose to those who don’t smoke is exposure to their second hand smoke. Involuntary inhalation of tobacco smoke by non-smokers is also known as passive smoking because it involves breathing in a mixture of smoke exhaled by the smoker and from the burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe. In fact research has shown that tobacco smoke may continue to linger for several hours after a cigarette has been extinguished, furthering unwanted exposure to its affects.

The 2 kinds of secondhand smoke are known as side-stream and main-stream smoke. Side-stream is the smoke that’s exhaled from the lungs while main-stream comes from the burning tip of the tobacco product. This smoke is as dangerous to the non-smoker as it’s to the smoker as it contains a number of chemicals are toxic and are known carcinogens.

If possible go through the next few paragraphs properly, the issue and the answers have many different variations. Some of the four thousand chemicals found in secondhand smoke include formaldehyde, arsenic, cadmium, benzene, and ethylene oxide are all considered to increase the risk of lung cancer. In fact there are sixty carcinogenic chemicals found in cigarette smoke. Passive smokers also are exposed to ammonia, carbon monoxide, methanol, and hydrogen cyanide.

Pregnant women are highly susceptible to the effects of secondhand smoke. Their babies have an increased risk to being born prematurely and with a lower then normal birth weight. After birth these children are also more at risk for developing allergies, asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. Avoiding smokers and smoky environments is an important part of a healthy pregnancy.

As harmful as 2nd hand smoke is children are at the greatest risk to its effects. The American Lung Association did a recent study that revealed that secondhand smoke is responsible for between 150,000 to 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants 18 months of age and younger. Approximately 15,000 of these children need to be hospitalized.

Secondhand smoke is not something to be ignored; exposure to it can cause a multitude of dangerous health effects. Avoiding it’s the best way to avoid these problems but if someone in your life is a smoker helping them cut or quit the habit’ll improve not only their health but the health of those around them.

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The Truth About Quitting Smoking Hypnosis

Anyone trying to stop smoking needs help they can get. It is one of the best things they can do for their health and general well-being but it is never very easy for anyone. Quitting smoking hypnosis however can be a big help and anyone looking to kick the habit should consider it.

While results very, it can be extremely effective for some people. I know one person who stop completely after only one group hypnosis session. That is certainly the exception, but it does work that way for some lucky people. More commonly, people report success rates between ten and 30% using hypnosis along to stop smoking.

Some people hesitate to consider quitting smoking hypnosis because they’ve misconceptions. There are several reasons for this.

For one thing, Hollywood has painted a picture of hypnosis that’s generally negative. Very frequently, a hypnotist is portrayed as slightly sinister and manipulative rather than as a supportive and helpful therapist.

Hollywood’s portrayal of anyone undergoing hypnosis isn’t any more flattering. They’re weak willed and easily influenced by the strong personality of the hypnotist.

The reality is quite the opposite. The people who are most successful with hypnosis are curious, creative and have a high level of self-confidence.

Let’s proceed with this piece of writing. Another major reason for failure to accept hypnotism as a valid treatment was medical professions hesitancy in acknowledging its value. For many years, the American Medical Association considered practicing hypnosis a breach of professional conduct. It wasn’t until the work of Dr. Milton Erickson that they change their position acknowledged that hypnotism could be a very useful therapy.

Some people hesitate to consider hypnosis because they are afraid of giving up control to the hypnotist. Nothing could be further from the reality. The person under hypnosis retains full control of all time. They can never be made to accept a suggestion that contradicts any strongly held value that they’ve.

Another fact is that we all commonly experience brief periods of trance every day. Have you ever found yourself daydreaming with no awareness of where you wore until some action or event brought you back? You were in a trance.

Many of us have had the experience of driving by our exit on a freeway, arriving at destination without any real recollection of how we got there. Again, we were in the type of trance.

The aim of hypnosis is to purposely induce an altered state of consciousness that allows more direct communication with the subconscious. In this state is possible to reinforce ideas and beliefs that will support the desired attitude and outcome. In this case, that’s to quit smoking.

I think you can see that’s highly desirable to have your subconscious in agreement with your conscious mind to help you reach your goal and hypnosis is an excellent way to do that.

However, I think of hypnosis more as an additional aid. As I mentioned above, the success rate using hypnosis alone is rather low. On the other hand, using hypnosis as part of a comprehensive quitting smoking system is very helpful. Combined with other methods, the results are much better than they would be with a single method alone.

Herbs That Can Help You Quit Smoking – Quit Smoking Aids

Herbs offer a gentle and effective way to stop smoking. They work on many levels to reduce craving, soften the side effects of withdrawal and help your body heal. To understand why, let’s look at how people get addicted to nicotine.

In the book Thunderball, James Bond tells the beautiful Domino that he is the world’s greatest expert on giving up smoking. When she asks why, he tells her it is because he is done it so often. Which, of course, rather negates the whole boast.

I am sure you’ve met people who boast how easy it’s to quit smoking and then tell you how often they have done it. But why is nicotine addiction so powerful?

Physical addiction occurs when smoking alters brain chemistry to associate feelings of pleasure with the ingestion of nicotine. When the smoker stops smoking and the nicotine levels in the body drop, unpleasant withdrawal symptoms arise including irritability and craving for tobacco.

Another interesting part close to this issue. Given the powerful urge to light up arising from these symptoms, the best way to quit smoking is to have a system in place to handle them as they arise. You can take your pick from a host of stop smoking systems ranging from acupuncture to hypnosis.

Many successful ex-smokers swear by a herb-based approach. Nature offers a slew of herbs with various properties to ease the pain of nicotine withdrawal.

Take licorice, for example. This root has been used for centuries to relieve colds, coughs, and sore throats. And its detoxifying properties remove toxins from the body where they have built up over years of smoking. It also helps alleviate symptoms of depression and fatigue, both common with those fighting nicotine addiction.

Another herbal powerhouse is Nux Vomica which can help fight the food cravings that accompany nicotine withdrawal and also lower stress.

Then there’s black spruce which relieves coughs, headaches and stomach upsets, all common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

Herbs offer a gentle yet effective way to handle nicotine withdrawal symptoms and go a long way to helping the smoker quit his nicotine habit forever. The also work to heal your body after years of damage from the many poisons in tobacco smoke. And it is all done gently and naturally.

Given the range of herbs each with its own beneficial properties, it makes sense to use a proven holistic system rather than trying individual herbs. That way you can be sure you are getting the right herbs in the right doses.

Do you want to know how to stop smoking naturally? Check out this Crave-RX review for a proven holistic system.

comments of juliocal:

Will quitting cigarettes smoking make me a more solid base runner (read description)? Alright basically I play baseball on my college team, and I smoke cigarettes. I’m a really fast runner and the fastest base runner on my team (granted, that's not saying much becasue we don't have many great runners). But I’m wondering if I quit smoking will it improve my running even more? I'm trying to get into as solid shape for next season as possible so I'm debating quitting smoking. How soon after quitting do your lungs start to get stronger? And how much faster do you think it’ll make me (I smoke about 1-2 packs a day). And also, I know this sounds bad but I really don't think I can do it without nicotine so I’m debating starting to chew tobacco since most of the guys on my team do it anyway, is this a good way to stop smoking? And does chewing negatively effect your performance (no cancer lectures please, just asking about athletic performance)?

Periodontal Gum Disease & the Dangers of Smoking

Smokers should know the dangers of tobacco use. Researches also have found that the following problems occur more often in people who use tobacco products: Bad breath, oral cancer, stained teeth, tooth loss, loss of taste, bone loss, gum recession, mouth soars and facial wrinkling. The research also indicates that there is less success with periodontal treatments and dental implants.

There are also other medical problems associated with smoking including lung disease, cancer, heart disease and low-birth-weight infants.

Smokers concerned about the effects that tobacco can have on your health, gums, and teeth in particular, will at least learn all the negative impacts of tobacco use, once they’ve read this article.

According to the American Academy of Periodontology recent studies have shown that tobacco use may be one of the most significant risk factors in the development and progression of periodontal disease. And following periodontal treatment or any oral surgery, the chemicals in tobacco can slow down the healing process. Treatment results are therefore less predictable.

This is really important piece of this particular subject matter. Here are some of the ways that one Los Angeles dentist who specializes in periodontal gum disease and oral implants believes smoking increases your risk for periodontal problems. “Smokers as opposed to nonsmokers are more apt to have calculus, or plaque, which hardens on teeth,” said Dr. Bijan Afar. “Calculus can remain below your gum line and the bacteria in the calculus can destroy gum tissue and cause gums to pull away from your teeth if not treated.”

Smokers are also more apt to get deep pockets between the teeth and gums and they also have loss of the bone and tissue that supports teeth. Periodontal disease gets worse when the pockets between the teeth and gums grow deep, which allows bacteria to destroy the gum tissue and bones. Your gums may shrink away from your teeth and if you’re not treated by a periodontist, your teeth may become loose and fall out. It has been proven that smokers loose more teeth than nonsmokers. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about twenty percent of people over age sixty-five who have never smoked are toothless, while a whopping 41.3 percent of daily smokers over age sixty-five are toothless.

Research shows that smokers do not heal as well after periodontal treatments as. This is reversible if the smokers quit smoking before beginning peridontal treatment.

But nevertheless, all tobacco products can be harmful to periodontal health, such as smokeless tobacco (nicotine gum products) also can cause gums to recede and increase the chance of losing the bone and fibers that hold your teeth in place. In a study of cigar and pipe smokers that was published in January, 1999 in the Journal of the American Dental Association it was stated that cigar smokers experience tooth loss and alveolar bone loss at rates equivalent to those of cigarette smokers. Pipe smokers experience tooth loss at a rate similar to cigarette smokers.

Kristin Gabriel is a social media marketing writer and PR professional. Her client, Dr. Bijan Afar, is a Los Angeles dentist and oral surgeon who owns 5 dental clinics, including the Wilshire Dental Clinic. ( For more information, visit

How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes By Overcoming One Aspect At A Time

If you’re a smoker, there will be many times you’ll think of kicking the habit for good. If you’ve ever tried to quit, you know how tough it can be to overcome the addiction and the cravings. The mere thought having to go through the agitation of withdrawal symptoms can make any smoker anxious.

Quit Smoking Weed Guide

Although tough, it’s a highly possible thing to do to quit smoking as thousands have kicked the habit forever every year. These smokers have quit smoking and overcame the challenges one aspect at a time.

Renew Your Mindset

Most, if not all smokers who have tried to quit would have agreed that the test is more of overcoming a psychological challenge rather than a physical one. Because humans are creatures of habit, smokers have also shaped and molded habits of smoking in their daily routines. Thus, the longer a person smokes, the more difficult it’s to quit smoking. The question is how do other smokers successfully quit smoking? Is there any proven method that one can follow? Is there a shortcut or a trick to finally put down the cigarette forever? The key is to develop a smoke-free habit and lifestyle. Research has actually shown that it takes a habit twenty-one days to form. Thus if you can cultivate a habit to not smoke for twenty-one days, you’re already mostly successful to be smoke-free forever.

The Fully Ready Mentality
There are many smokers who generally have the idea or concept that when it comes to quitting is to be mentally ready first. The problem is for someone to be mentally ready is really like waiting until the cows come home. It will never happen. Smokers who are successful to quit never had the fully ready mentality. They just went ahead and did it. Just like yourself. Chances are you’ll never be fully ready to quit smoking. No matter how prepared you’re, there will always be a jumble of emotions such as stress, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, hammering and frustration. But bear in mind that all these emotions are controllable and manageable if you have the right attitude to it.

Educating yourself on Quitting Smoking

Before you embark on this journey, it’s important to know what to expect.

Fight smoking on your own.

For example, do you know what to expect when your body is experiencing withdrawal symptoms? Do you know what happens to your body after you’re free from smoking and how you use that to your advantage? What about how to handle the psychological challenge? The more knowledgeable you’re about what to expect when you’re quitting, the more you can plan and avoid unwanted situations from striking you and thus having a higher chances to quit smoking. In the early stages, quitting smoking may be demanding and testing, but with your preparation of knowledge, it’ll help you in the long run.

Seeking Support During This Period

Sometimes, a simple encouragement from a friend can just wipe out your doubts of wanting to quit smoking and easily win the tug of war in your mind to be smoke free. There’s nothing like people who are supporting you. Visit other forums and seek support from your family or friends. In that way, it’s tougher to give up as you do not want to disappoint them.

Discover How You Can Quit Smoking Cigarettes in as fast as one Week without Agitation, Cravings or Withdrawal Symptoms by visiting How to Quit Smoking Blog for More Resources.

Parkinson’s Disease — Prevention and Alleviating the Symptoms

The compound below is showing great promise not only for the prevention of Parkinson’s disease, but also alleviating of the symptoms.

Nicotine to the brain.Smoking is of course harmful, no one should take it up to prevent or alleviate the disease; however the specific compound in cigarette smoking that’s believed to prevent and also provide relief for suffers is – Nicotine.

Nicotine in Pure Form is safe & non toxic

Nicotine removed from cigarettes in its natural state is a safe, non toxic and is found in many common foods and vegetables.

Zero Nicotine patch

Nicotine is now showing great promise in medical research in terms of both prevention of Parkinson’s disease, and also for the alleviation of the symptoms.

Nicotine & Parkinson’s Disease Research

Research has suggested that some of the movement difficulties experienced by Parkinson suffers are less severe after smoking cigarettes, taking nicotine gum or using nicotine patches.

Researchers have been aware for over thirty years that fewer smokers get Parkinson’s diseases than non-smokers.

This may be significant section of this particular study. The observation was first made in the 1970′s and similar results have been shown in all subsequent tests.

The protective effect is large, active smokers have a 60% reduction in risk compared with those who have never been smokers.

Nicotine is not only showing great promise in its preventive affect but also in alleviating the symptoms of suffers who have the disease already.

How Nicotine can help


Yet another intriguing idea relating to this field of study. Researchers believe that the main reason underlying the protective action of nicotine maybe its ability to increase the expression of neurotrophic factors that are known to help the survival of dopaminergic neurons, as nicotine increases the number of “nicotinic” receptors in the brain.

These receptors influence the production and release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Parkinson’s disease occurs when brain cells that produce dopamine, an important chemical messenger die. People do not get Parkinson’s disease until approximatley 80% to 90% of the dopamine-producing cells are dead.

Nicotine is believed to protect these cells against damage and as a consequence prevent the disease. Alleviating the symptoms

Be sure to read this article diligently, the issue and the solutions have several different versions. Nicotine may help to lessen memory difficulties which occur in some people with Parkinson’s disease.

The number of nicotinic receptors are decreased in the brains of people who have Parkinson’s disease.

The nicotine in cigarette smoke, in the nicotine patch or in gum may lead to an extra stimulation of these remaining nicotinic receptors and thus alleviate the symptoms.


I highly recommend you understand this information meticulously, the matter and the fixes have a number of variants. Nicotine is available in patches and gum and several companies have looked at nicotine water as a safe delivery method for organic nicotine with no added chemicals.

Let’s go on with this piece of content. Nicotine water is already being marketed and further products are being researched, all with the aim of delivering pure organic nicotine without harmful chemicals.

Nicotine natures wonder drug?

While nicotine has had an image problem due to its association with smoking.

There is however a lot of excitement about its potential to prevent and help with a number of medical conditions that include not only Parkinson’s disease, but also:

Alzheimer’s disease, Schizophrenia, obesity, depression and even some cancers.

If possible go through this content meticulously, the issue and the solutions have a number of distinctions. Research is at an early stage with many conditions, but Nicotine could just be about to get public recognition for its significant health benefits.

You need to study this particular blog post thoroughly, the problem and the plans have a multitude of variants. NEW ORGANIC NICOTINE DRINK!For more on the health benefits of nicotine and a new organic drink, containing pure organic nicotine in a refreshing lemon flavored drink visit

It is cheap, naturally part of the food chain, and showing great promise with the treatment of a number of conditions in addition to Parkinson’s disease, from Depression to Alzheimer’s, as well as many others.

The compound is familiar to everyone and is:


Parkinson’s disease belongs to a group of conditions that occur less among cigarette smokers than in non-smokers.