Teenage Eating Disorders

Teenage eating disorders are becoming one of the most talked about ailments in today’s scenario. They may develop in response to difficult life experiences arising during puberty. These disorders may also be found in cultures where it’s fashionable to be slim and trim.

The causes of eating disorders

The most common eating disorders are known as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa but other food related disorders are also found like binge eating disorder, body image disorders and food phobias.

When dieting or exercising everyday becomes an extreme measure for losing weight, it develops into an eating disorder. Dieting that never seems to end although body weight may have dropped below normal. A person who seems to think that running to work off a piece of candy is more important than meeting friends and having fun, is suffering from an eating disorder.

Any eating disorder – anorexia, bulimia or binge eating, all involve quite unhealthy eating patterns which may begin gradually but soon spirals out of control.

During puberty there are a lot of emotional and physical changes along with academic and greater degree of peer pressure. So a teenager may feel that they’re not in control of their personal freedom and of their bodies although there is a greater sense of freedom which may lead to develop an eating disorder.

Cases of eating disorders

This is one of the theories given after research as the eating disorders are more prevalent in the age group of 13-17 years. This is more so for the girls of this age, as they gain some additional body fat during teenage (puberty). And this change in the body weight is regarded as something to be got ridden as quickly as possible and in any way they can.

There are evidences which show that eating disorders may run in the family and not necessarily from genetic inheritance.

Eating disorders are severe medical illnesses which need to be addressed as soon as detected; otherwise it may lead to malnutrition and even death. Person suffering from eating disorders can have serious health problems such as heart condition or kidney failure.

Therapy and counseling plays a vital role in treating people suffering from eating disorders. Family too, plays an important part in treatment of persons suffering from eating disorders. Parents and other family members can help the sufferer see that their normal body shape is perfectly fine and they would be accepted as they’re.

Many options are available to overcome the teenage eating disorders. Visit http://www.bulimiacure.gethealthadvice.org for an efficient way to get rid of teenage eating disorders.

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