Is it Worth It? Laser Surgery to Quit Smoking

Using laser surgery to quit smoking is a not a new mode of quit smoking treatments. It has been around for quite some time and looks to make a long term run due to the availability of lasers.

In case you’re wondering this treatment is totally devoid of pain. You really have to understand that the reason for which you continue smoking may be due the vicious cycle of stress that you’re under. If your smoking is normally taken in at break times at the office or you just are feeling a bit edgy and need a smoke. First strive to examine what has gone on in your life to trigger your desire to smoke.

Many of you’ll notice that it’s an endless loop. When your husband comes home in a sour mood and you feel the stress of his stress around the home. This may also trigger you to smoke.

One more helpful detail in relation to this theme. Using laser surgery to quit smoking is operating on the premise that smoking and stress are common bed fellows. The 2 run together and feed off of each other. The use of lasers here involves a low intensity stream of light highly concentrated to pulsate at certain nerve points on the face, neck, back, and head. This pulsations are akin to what occurs when you have acupuncture treatments. This involves the use of lasers instead of needles.

The rap artist Snoop Dog has a reality television show now. In one episode, he was under stress and wanted to get some relief so he went to the doctor. The doctor recommended Eastern type medicine complemented with Western based medicinal techniques. He tried Yoga and could not adapt to that. But the caveat was when he went to the acupuncturist. You see he’s completely phobic of needles. Even to the point of drawing blood. He nearly screams and panic sets in.

Now if you enjoy and occasional cigar post dinner or are a social smoker, you’re still running the risks of lung disease and damage. So, this treatment is available to help you quit smoking as well as the chain smoker. All smoking is bad, no matter how few you think you have.

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