The Silent Killer : The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke

The United States Environmental Protection Agency classifies secondhand smoke as a Group A Carcinogen, which is a category only reserved for the most dangerous of cancer causing agents in humans. It increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease in nonsmokers and it poses a serious health hazard that can lead to premature death in children and nonsmoking adults.

Exhaling cigarette smoke incorporates into the air over 4,700 chemical compounds, two hundred of them are known to be poisonous–such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and methyl isocyanate. Also, another sixty potentially dangerous carcinogen substances being benzene, benzopyprene,formaldehyde and aromatic amines. Why are all these chemicals in cigarettes?

When you smoke a cigarette, you inhale about half of the smoke and carcinogens, but the rest of the smoke is exhaled into the air and some of it attaches itself to your clothes. If there are children and pets in the area, they’re inhaling all of these carcinogens that you exhaled. It’s especially dangerous for children who live with smokers, as they’re so vulnerable, when you read to them or when they ride in a closed car with you. Also, did you know, that if you have caged birds as pets, that this smoke is very dangerous to them also?

Secondhand smoke is known to cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, respiratory problems, ear infections and asthma attacks in infants and children.

In the United States alone,the EPA estimates that there are approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths per year for nonsmoking people that are affected by some other smokers secondhand smoke! But, lung cancer deaths average over 161,000 people yearly, who die from actual cigarette smoking.

When you consider all of the poisonous pollutants that are exhaled into the air from cigarette smoking, it would appear that perhaps stopping smoking is a very “GREEN” thing to do for the environment, not to mention for the benefit of your health and all those living around you.

Smoking. Second Hand Smoke

And, as you may know, there is a growing trend on banning smoking in many workplaces and public places worldwide. Smoking is just not “cool” and acceptable as it once was. And if your clothes, hair, skin, and breath smell of smoke–that is NOTSEXY! Odor is a real turn off!

You can quit smoking painlessly, easily and naturally if you really want to. Then when you do, you will be able to taste food again, your clothes will smell fresh, your teeth will be whiter and your breath will be kissable sweet!

Even your lungs will start to purge themselves of all the irritants stored there. Perhaps you’ll have fewer colds. Fewer trips to the doctors office. If everyone took responsibility for their own health, maybe that would help the health care system not be so overcrowded. Maybe so many people wouldn’t be suffering with breathing problems.

Today is a good day to finally quit smoking. Make your health your number one priority.

Quit smoking today!

Let us continue with this content page. Your healthy life is at risk. If you need more help to Quit Smoking Today go to This is a new method to help you quit smoking today. No pills, no prescriptions, doctors, patches and no gum to chew. GUARANTEED!! Let this be the year that you finally quit smoking. You haven’thing to lose but bad health and everything to gain. Try this Today! You know you really want to quit smoking. Make it easy on yourself! Do It Now!!

This is Absolutely Essential! Diet Foods to Lose Weight

Numerous so called health foods are actually cleverly hidden junk foods that can indeed stimulate you to gain more belly fat. However the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you therefore they can maximize their profits. And here is the actual truth about weight-loss.

If you’re slowly gaining weight from being too happy or too sad then its time that you take control of your life. As you age, the more important it’s to have good health and one way of starting this is through losing weight. By losing weight you open yourself up to a whole new realm of possibilities. This is the reason why you will see that there are so many people around you that are struggling to lose weight. Making being in great physical shape a valuable asset for anyone who wants to succeed in life. This is how most industries have made a living from selling weight loss products by addressing this need that their consumers have. I’m aware that you’re far from interested in what other companies have to offer because you’re here and reading this article right this very moment.

Just read through the rest of the article and learn from a simple tip that I want to share with you. Through this tip, you’ll not only lose weight but you’ll also discover the secret to keeping your health in top shape.

Cut out anything instant.

So those quick fixes you have with instant noodles and the rest of the family of preservative filled foods should be thrown out the window immediately. These kinds of food are seen as diet foods since they fill up your stomach without having to eat a full meal. If you continue to eat these kinds food as supplement to your daily meals, be prepared as your metabolism is endangered and once this happens it’ll definitely make it hard for you to lose weight.

Here’s how to get all the secrets to healthy weight loss just for women-I am going to give you my most effective secrets to losing weight that do not require any crazy dieting or long hours at the gym, absolutely free! By following these simple tricks, you will be shedding the pounds in no time…SO If you’re serious about getting back into that favorite dress of yours, I strongly urge you to discover these amazing secrets.

Ab exercises such as ab machines, sit-ups and crunches are realistically the LEAST successful technique of getting flat six pack abs. We shall discover what types of workout routines REALLY work in a minute. Learn the real truth about fat burning.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition in which the body attacks itself. The parts of the body most affected are the joints. In rheumatoid arthritis the body forms antibodies against antigens of the synovium. The synovium is a cellular coating that lines joint spaces. It normally secretes lubricants and helps ensure the integrity of the joint. Then again, when auto-antibodies bind to it the result is inflammation.
The inflammatory process gets out of control damaging not only the synovium, but also adjacent structures like cartilage and bone. After years of inflammatory changes the joints involved become deformed.

Clinically, rheumatoid arthritis typically begins as vague non-specific joint pain. In its earliest form it can be difficult to diagnose. Patients will often complain of other non-specific symptoms like fatigue and fever. The inflammatory response typically begins in the hands and feet. In the hands the metacarpophalangeal joints (ie: the first “knuckle”) and proximal interphalangeal joints (ie: the second “knuckle”) are most commonly involved. Interestingly, the distal interphalangeal joint (ie: the last “knuckle”) is not commonly involved in rheumatoid arthritis.

Before Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis, What Did You

After years of wear and tear on these joints several deformities occur. The 2 commonly seen ones are Boutonniere and Swan Neck deformities of the hands. Even so, “ulnar deviation” of the fingers can occur.

Symptoms may wax and wane, or disappear entirely for periods of time. Unfortunately, they almost always return. Eventually the wrists, ankles, elbows, and knees can also become involved. The disease is considered progressive. Treatment is designed to slow both the inflammatory process and joint destruction.

Visit for more information on Rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Women | Rheumatoid Arthritis Rate Twenty-seven Oct 2008 Why is the rheumatoid arthritis rate rising sharply in females? Read more from Arthritis Today about rheumatoid arthritis, women and new. More about remedy.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks the joints producing

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Preparing Your Mind Body & Soul : How to Quit Smoking

Okay, we all know that smoking is deleterious to your health, can alienate you from friends and family and serves to wreck devastation on your personal finances! This is truly a dirty filthy habit with zero upside. And as anyone, who’s trying to quit, one of the most frustrating challenges that any human being can face. It is easy to overeat, and putting on those extra pounds seems to only take a few days. However shedding unwanted pounds can take months of disciplined effort, calculating caloric intake versus caloric burn. Smoking is no different, becoming addicted happens very rapidly, yet can take a very long time to overcome, and relapse is very common. The difference between food addiction and nicotine is one of necessity- for everyone must eat. However to maintain an ideal body weight we must learn to eat to live, and not, live to eat.


The first thing to prepare is your mind! Our minds are powerful and one needs only to look at the Golden gate Bridge or the Eiffel Tower to realize that what the mind of man can conceive he can achieve. Quitting smoking is no different than building a complex building. We must first formulate a plan-we must write that plan down-and we must convert that plan into workable drawings. To prepare the mind we need to set a date that we desire to quit smoking, actually a challenge if you’ll, and be resolute. As a medical doctor who teaches advanced behavioral modification techniques I urge you to take that step and write down on a piece of paper your desire to quit smoking and your need for the best plan to achieve that goal. Then pick a night to program a dream, and by that I mean simply self talk your desire to quit smoking and the need for the best method that would suit you as the answer to that dream. Tell yourself that upon waking you’ll have the answer. Believe it or not your conscious and unconscious mind has stored within it all the anti-smoking programs, potions and lotions that had been advertised over the years. The answer for the one that would best suit you is already there just for the asking.

The next thing to prepare is your body! Start eating as healthy as possible limiting your intake of all sugar, caffeine, and alcohol! Of course as a medical doctor, and if possible, I recommend no sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine, but this is not necessary in this journey of recovery from nicotine. Start exercising very moderately as this will begin to condition your body to produce its own feel-good chemicals. These feel-good chemicals are germane to your recovery as the nicotine is removed from your system a void will be created in your brain and the best way to fill this void is with natural endorphins produced through exercise and proper nutrition.

The next thing to prepare is your soul/spirit! Let’s face it smoking is a self centered endeavor and serves to bring pleasure (although artificially) to no one but yourself. Becoming spiritually fit’s a matter of love flowing outward to other people. The greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. You see the truth is we already love ourselves far too much and the mystery behind the truth of these words is that when we allow our love to flow out and serve our fellow man the desires of our heart are given to us by our heavenly father. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and his spirit wants nothing more than a healthy and happy body. Prayers of this nature are always answered. Let the good Lord know that you want to quit smoking and you need his help. Choose quality uplifting spiritual materials to read and stay away from TV and magazines that glorify and or advertise smoking products.

This could very well be really important section of this particular matter. I recommend treating nicotine like any other addictive drug in regards to withdraw. It’s important to minimize debilitating withdrawal effects by reducing every 3 days the amount of the given addictive drug. With narcotics, this would translate to approximately 10% of the existing does every 3 days. Cigarettes on the other hand are a inconsistent delivery system of nicotine, therefore how many puffs, how deeply inhaled, and how long the smoke is retained within the lungs, all allow for an inconsistent absorption. So the good rule of thumb would be to reduce the amount of cigarette you smoked per day by 10% until you are down to just a few cigarettes a day. Your nicotine levels will now be very low, greatly reducing the discomfort of the 3 to 5 days that it’ll take for the withdraw, and before, technically, you’re nicotine free. However remember being nicotine free is only the beginning of quitting smoking. The real work becomes staying nicotine free after the withdrawal process has ended. You’re now in the realm of mental effects, and this is where the rubber really meets the road.

Cigarette Smoking Facts

It’s important to rid your home, office and car of all smoking related paraphernalia as well as avoiding all people places and things where smoking was encouraged. I highly recommend you hang with a crowd of non-smokers as this will make long-term freedom that much easier. Your church or synagogue is a great place for this kind of support, and I encourage you to let everyone know that you have quit smoking and you need their help, their prayers and support! If you’ve never done it before, I would highly recommend you consider fasting along with your prayer on a regular basis and with spiritual consultation from your rabbi or pastor.

If possible understand this article properly, the issue and the results have a range of versions. Do not ever underestimate not only the power of prayer, but also the power of praying people! I guarantee you’ll be filled with physical energy that was previously being sapped by this ravenous chemical. A little exercise, a better diet, and the absence of nicotine in your system will find you with an increased energy that needs to be channeled in the flow, outward from yourself! Resolve to volunteer your time, talent and treasure to those less fortunate than your self and make sure to drop that extra money saved (from quitting) into the offering plate. These disciplines need to become a way of life, a tobacco free, addiction free, life that exemplifies service to others. Before you know it you’ll find yourself a steward of the good, and the blessings that have been bestowed upon you from birth, no longer serving yourself and desires that had become unhealthy and unproductive.

Woody guthrie

These techniques can be used and applied while adhering to any of the smoking cessation programs that are already on the market and available from many venues. Hopefully the program that you choose was a result of your programmed dream-as this is the best way to choose a method that will work for you. And always remember that the programs arethere to assist you in a decision that you need to make with resolute conviction putting your hand on the plow and never looking back.

Dr. Clancy McKenzie, is a national and internationally recognized expert in the field of psychiatry, and psychoanalysis. His contribution of groundbreaking theories and treatment modalities for schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, drug and alcohol addiction, posttraumatic stress disorder, delayed posttraumatic stress disorders, mental illness and phobias. He’s a prolific writer and a published author, and his groundbreaking book “Babies Need Mothers” has garnered rave reviews throughout the mental health community. Dr. Clancy McKenzie consistently utilizes, Programmed Dreams methodologies throughout his practice as he teaches his patients to utilize this profound and powerful self-healing method. Dr. McKenzie’s blog can be found at and further teaching on his method and modalities are explained in depth at Dr. Clancy McKenzie believes in and practices holistic healing for the mind body and soul

Green Lipped Mussel Extract Treatment For Arthritis

If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis you might find Green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) is included in some glucosamine based treatments. Green lipped mussel has been found to inhibit inflammation in the joints and is useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

How does it work?

As an arthritis treatment

Any animal or human will experience a certain amount of inflammation in the joints and increasingly so with age. Your pet makes several types of chemical mediators for inflammation levels of these are higher in an animal experiencing symptoms of arthritis. The green lipped mussel extract helps control the inflammatory mediators in your pets body, it improves conditions which involve inflammation such as arthritis, psoriasis and asthma among others.

Where is it found?

Green-lipped mussels are found in the oceans off New Zealand. In supplement form, green-lipped mussel is available as a lipid extract or a freeze-dried powder. Green lipped mussel extract is also combined with other arthritis treatments. When you buy a product containing green lipped mussel, it comes in 2 forms one which is stabilized with a preservative and the other is not. Recent animal studies have compared the 2 forms and found a stabilized lipid extract to be significantly more effective than a non-stabilized extract at decreasing inflammation. Because both forms are currently available on the market, we would recommend you read the label carefully to choose the stabilized form.

Most Effective Arthritis Treatment

Other products you might have been recommended for your pets arthritis inflammation are the non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs which include ibruprofen. The downside of using these drugs are the side effects which can cause stomach problems including ulcers if administered too frequently. Using a green lipped mussel extract also reduces the need for anti inflammatory drugs.

How much does your pet need?

This is very important section of this article. These will depend on the individual pets weight and also the potency of the extract. Feed this to your pet in the doses recommended by the manufacturer.

Will my pet experience any side effects?

Studies in humans have produced varying data, with some mussel extracts producing nausea as a side effect while other studies show no side effects. In this case be observant of your pets eating habits and report it to your vet if you have been giving your pet green mussel extract.

It’s possible for your pet to have an allergic reaction to shellfish. Again be observant of any changes in your pet, itching , sneezing etc. And report it to your vet if you suspect an allergic reaction. However compared to lipid preparations, freeze-dried preparations contain substantially more of the protein fraction responsible for allergic reactions

Paul Nelson loves to write articles for Animal lovers, and real Issues facing day to day issues.

Arthritis Pain Symptoms, Relief and Treatment : Doctor-Reviewed Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, which results in pain, swelling , stiffness, and limited movement. There are over one hundred different types of

Hazardous Effect of Cigarette Smoking to Individuals

Smoking is the process that’s very hard to eliminate for many individuals, especially to those who already hooked in this kind of vice. Throughout the globe, millions of people who are accounted to be addicted to this kind of vices. People who are into this kind of thing don’t think about the hazardous effect of it to their body.

A lot of diseases can be acquired through smoking, however, why it’s hard for many people to stop or quit this hazardous vice.

Teens and adults smokes due to some personal reasons. Other start smoking because they’re seeking for thrill and enjoyment, teens usually do it as their because of these reasons until they became totally addicted to the nicotine presented in the cigarette. Some people do smoke due to the relief they’ve achieved from smoking and other because of their low self-esteem and their desire to fit in a peer group.

Now this is significant section of this specific study. Whatever the reason a person has to get involved in smoking addiction, there are lots of things that he needs to face in his life. Having a serious health problems and conditions are the dangers of being addicted in cigarette smoking.

Cigarettes have tobacco that consists of more than 4,000 chemical compounds and over four hundred toxic substances that can be very dangerous to one’s health.

There are various diseases caused by smoking into the body. People who became addicted in smoking usually suffer from a number of severe illness and diseases that can be very fatal for sufferers. The common illness to acquire in smoking is having coughs and colds. Other diseases that can be very fatal like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, lung cancer, and other respiratory problems. The most common body parts that are greatly affected and damaged by the toxins from cigarettes are the liver, lungs and kidney which can made a person’s life very miserable.

Diabetes and lung cancers are diseases that are relatively connected to each other. If you want to eliminates these illness simply visit for more sources regarding this article.

Old Folk Home Remedies : Arthritis Relief

Even though we now have witnessed many experiments completed about silica, this mineral didn’t accomplish, yet, the positioning of being an essential nutrient.

Silica evolves inside the crust of the planet, and it’s much like carbon. It’s present in large quantities within the cells of all the creatures, as well as plants.

Silica is, in addition, contained in several tissues in the body, for example collagen, nails, along with other connective tissue. The most important use of silica here would be to supply balance and toughness to our cells. Silica can also be useful for improving the tendons, cartilages, bloodstream vessels and navicular bones in the body. Silica and carbon are exactly the same in one feature: they can form many ties and extended molecules, which supports in accumulating cellular buildings.

This may very well be really important section of this theme. Silica can be useful for the good development of bones, through the entire process of calcification. With the late twentieth century, lots of research found excellent results of silica in our physiques. Studies have found that the deficit of this compound may slow down the progression of the navicular bone, and appropriate development of the human body. Inadequate quantities of silica in the body could also lead to plaque development in the arterial wall surfaces.

Arthritis Natural Remedies Part three – YouTube

Silica is available in a number of plants, for example nettles, alfalfa, comfrey, horsetail, sugar beet and stick pulp. Also, it is contained in large amounts in grains, oats and rice. Veggies, for example dandelions, avocados, onions, bananas, lettuce and cucumbers contain silica too. Modest amounts of silica are available in alginic acidity, in algae, and contained in lemon or lime.

Despite the fact that silica happens to be in large amounts round the soil, yet it is barely sufficient to fulfill the nutritional needs of people. This mineral is dropped throughout the entire process of creating the meals to be ready for cooking.

Numerous herbal remedies utilize silica due to its primary health advantage to bolster nails, skin and hair. It’ll help with the protection against aging, or postpone the aging process, since it supports your skin suppleness. Nowadays, you’ll find numerous researches being carried out to evaluate the results of this mineral on different conditions, for example nausea, cartilages problems, therapy for rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, as well as vascular illnesses.

Silica natural supplements will also be the ones that assist to slow down the whole process of developing Alzheimer’s disease. For brittle bones, it has been proven that it could help with the protection against getting fragile bones, if consumed from an earlier age.

Despite the fact that nothing certain could be mentioned at this time, it is broadly believed that standard use of silica may help in protection against brittle bones. Even though studies were not able to establish the RDA for silica, nevertheless, with different large amount of reviews available, diet regime abundant in silica can help in reducing discomfort and enhancing the defense mechanisms of the body. It’ll only do good to decide going on a diet rich in silica!

If you want to know more about Silica and other nutritional supplements, do not hesitate to visit us!

Troy Shanks is a successful internet business entrepreneur who has concentrated his entire career on promoting health products. He’s more than happy to share with you all the information gathered over these years, and also to guide you in finding the health plan that suits you best. The companies working with Troy Shanks are only the top ones, companies which are proven to be the most trustworthy and reliable on the market, and for which quality has always been the main goal.

Questions from our reader

Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis? No, there is no evidence that cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis. Cracking your knuckles wears away the cartilage between the joints over a long period of time. This is one of the causes of arthritis. Other causes of arthritis are completely unrelated, like for example, you can inherit it from your parents, or get it because of a disease like Lupus. So, I guess if you might get it anyway, and you might not know if it was your's or your parents fault. Don't listen to those people that tell you cracking your knuckles will cause you to have arthritis. At this point it's just a speculation, not wild, but certainly not founded on anything but misconceptions. All you're doing is playing with the physiology and chemistry of your body a bit. There are good and bad sides to this. Here's a rather complete site if you want to read more (which keeps me from typing it all out): howstuffworks. This is an old wife's tale that has been debunked many times. All cracking your knuckles does is release gas build up between the joints and has nothing to do with arthritis. It takes 20+ minutes for the gases and fluids to get back into your knuckles to get poped again. And it has been proven that the worst thing that can happen is a slightly stretched ligament which is not harmful at all. It’s perfectly fine.