So often when we want to make big changes in our life and ask the big questions such as how can I quit smoking, we either try to go our own way or we attempt to reinvent the wheel and find a new solution.
There is very little in this world that hasn’t already been sorted out by someone else. There are possibly no human problems that have not already been faced and solved by hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of people already.
When it comes to quitting smoking you have many options. You can try to solve it yourself by biting the bullet and trying to push through the difficulties. You could try some new method that you think may just work for you, but it is mostly you’ll fail.
Why don’t we proceed with this story. Apart from trying to reinvent the quit smoking wheel the other thing that humans aren’t good at is asking for help. Some see it as a failure; some believe they should stand on their own 2 feet and solve all their own problems.
Asking for help is actually being more human. It is about recognizing that we’ren’t the experts in all fields and that others expertise can be tapped into.
Finding someone you can trust to help you quit smoking is not difficult. Finding the most successful method isn’t difficult either. A simple search will determine that hypnosis is the most successful long term quit smoking method.
My belief is that If I work with someone for my health I want a specialist and not a jack of all trades. If a practitioner advertises that they do hypnosis or NLP for a long list of problems then I look elsewhere.
The reason is simple. It can take a few years to refine a treatment strategy to the point where it’s successful most of the time. It takes a certain amount of early trial and error in developing quality, successful hypnosis scrips.
It takes time to learn how to gain good rapport with clients and instill in them the confidence that they’ll be successful. It can take years to pick up the subtle messages and change the session to accommodate them.
E.g. A smoker who smokes to manage their stress is different from one who smokes in social situations and is very different to one who smokes in order to exert some degree of control over their lives when they feel that many aspects of their lives are being controlled or out of control.
Do not reinvent the feel, do seek expert help and above all do make a 100% decision to quit smoking now.
And now for more free info on quitting cigarettes go to
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Wishing you the best of health Ian Newton
Looking for some new reading material? I started writing this blog loaded with quality health, fitness, and happiness information only when i had a similar experience regarding my health. I've been smoking almost half of my life and have been experiencing nearly every aspect of quitting smoking.
Showing posts with label How to Quit Smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to Quit Smoking. Show all posts
Preparing Your Mind Body & Soul : How to Quit Smoking
Okay, we all know that smoking is deleterious to your health, can alienate you from friends and family and serves to wreck devastation on your personal finances! This is truly a dirty filthy habit with zero upside. And as anyone, who’s trying to quit, one of the most frustrating challenges that any human being can face. It is easy to overeat, and putting on those extra pounds seems to only take a few days. However shedding unwanted pounds can take months of disciplined effort, calculating caloric intake versus caloric burn. Smoking is no different, becoming addicted happens very rapidly, yet can take a very long time to overcome, and relapse is very common. The difference between food addiction and nicotine is one of necessity- for everyone must eat. However to maintain an ideal body weight we must learn to eat to live, and not, live to eat.
The first thing to prepare is your mind! Our minds are powerful and one needs only to look at the Golden gate Bridge or the Eiffel Tower to realize that what the mind of man can conceive he can achieve. Quitting smoking is no different than building a complex building. We must first formulate a plan-we must write that plan down-and we must convert that plan into workable drawings. To prepare the mind we need to set a date that we desire to quit smoking, actually a challenge if you’ll, and be resolute. As a medical doctor who teaches advanced behavioral modification techniques I urge you to take that step and write down on a piece of paper your desire to quit smoking and your need for the best plan to achieve that goal. Then pick a night to program a dream, and by that I mean simply self talk your desire to quit smoking and the need for the best method that would suit you as the answer to that dream. Tell yourself that upon waking you’ll have the answer. Believe it or not your conscious and unconscious mind has stored within it all the anti-smoking programs, potions and lotions that had been advertised over the years. The answer for the one that would best suit you is already there just for the asking.
The next thing to prepare is your body! Start eating as healthy as possible limiting your intake of all sugar, caffeine, and alcohol! Of course as a medical doctor, and if possible, I recommend no sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine, but this is not necessary in this journey of recovery from nicotine. Start exercising very moderately as this will begin to condition your body to produce its own feel-good chemicals. These feel-good chemicals are germane to your recovery as the nicotine is removed from your system a void will be created in your brain and the best way to fill this void is with natural endorphins produced through exercise and proper nutrition.
The next thing to prepare is your soul/spirit! Let’s face it smoking is a self centered endeavor and serves to bring pleasure (although artificially) to no one but yourself. Becoming spiritually fit’s a matter of love flowing outward to other people. The greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. You see the truth is we already love ourselves far too much and the mystery behind the truth of these words is that when we allow our love to flow out and serve our fellow man the desires of our heart are given to us by our heavenly father. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and his spirit wants nothing more than a healthy and happy body. Prayers of this nature are always answered. Let the good Lord know that you want to quit smoking and you need his help. Choose quality uplifting spiritual materials to read and stay away from TV and magazines that glorify and or advertise smoking products.
This could very well be really important section of this particular matter. I recommend treating nicotine like any other addictive drug in regards to withdraw. It’s important to minimize debilitating withdrawal effects by reducing every 3 days the amount of the given addictive drug. With narcotics, this would translate to approximately 10% of the existing does every 3 days. Cigarettes on the other hand are a inconsistent delivery system of nicotine, therefore how many puffs, how deeply inhaled, and how long the smoke is retained within the lungs, all allow for an inconsistent absorption. So the good rule of thumb would be to reduce the amount of cigarette you smoked per day by 10% until you are down to just a few cigarettes a day. Your nicotine levels will now be very low, greatly reducing the discomfort of the 3 to 5 days that it’ll take for the withdraw, and before, technically, you’re nicotine free. However remember being nicotine free is only the beginning of quitting smoking. The real work becomes staying nicotine free after the withdrawal process has ended. You’re now in the realm of mental effects, and this is where the rubber really meets the road.
Cigarette Smoking Facts
It’s important to rid your home, office and car of all smoking related paraphernalia as well as avoiding all people places and things where smoking was encouraged. I highly recommend you hang with a crowd of non-smokers as this will make long-term freedom that much easier. Your church or synagogue is a great place for this kind of support, and I encourage you to let everyone know that you have quit smoking and you need their help, their prayers and support! If you’ve never done it before, I would highly recommend you consider fasting along with your prayer on a regular basis and with spiritual consultation from your rabbi or pastor.
If possible understand this article properly, the issue and the results have a range of versions. Do not ever underestimate not only the power of prayer, but also the power of praying people! I guarantee you’ll be filled with physical energy that was previously being sapped by this ravenous chemical. A little exercise, a better diet, and the absence of nicotine in your system will find you with an increased energy that needs to be channeled in the flow, outward from yourself! Resolve to volunteer your time, talent and treasure to those less fortunate than your self and make sure to drop that extra money saved (from quitting) into the offering plate. These disciplines need to become a way of life, a tobacco free, addiction free, life that exemplifies service to others. Before you know it you’ll find yourself a steward of the good, and the blessings that have been bestowed upon you from birth, no longer serving yourself and desires that had become unhealthy and unproductive.
Woody guthrie
These techniques can be used and applied while adhering to any of the smoking cessation programs that are already on the market and available from many venues. Hopefully the program that you choose was a result of your programmed dream-as this is the best way to choose a method that will work for you. And always remember that the programs arethere to assist you in a decision that you need to make with resolute conviction putting your hand on the plow and never looking back.
Dr. Clancy McKenzie, is a national and internationally recognized expert in the field of psychiatry, and psychoanalysis. His contribution of groundbreaking theories and treatment modalities for schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, drug and alcohol addiction, posttraumatic stress disorder, delayed posttraumatic stress disorders, mental illness and phobias. He’s a prolific writer and a published author, and his groundbreaking book “Babies Need Mothers” has garnered rave reviews throughout the mental health community. Dr. Clancy McKenzie consistently utilizes, Programmed Dreams methodologies throughout his practice as he teaches his patients to utilize this profound and powerful self-healing method. Dr. McKenzie’s blog can be found at and further teaching on his method and modalities are explained in depth at Dr. Clancy McKenzie believes in and practices holistic healing for the mind body and soul
The first thing to prepare is your mind! Our minds are powerful and one needs only to look at the Golden gate Bridge or the Eiffel Tower to realize that what the mind of man can conceive he can achieve. Quitting smoking is no different than building a complex building. We must first formulate a plan-we must write that plan down-and we must convert that plan into workable drawings. To prepare the mind we need to set a date that we desire to quit smoking, actually a challenge if you’ll, and be resolute. As a medical doctor who teaches advanced behavioral modification techniques I urge you to take that step and write down on a piece of paper your desire to quit smoking and your need for the best plan to achieve that goal. Then pick a night to program a dream, and by that I mean simply self talk your desire to quit smoking and the need for the best method that would suit you as the answer to that dream. Tell yourself that upon waking you’ll have the answer. Believe it or not your conscious and unconscious mind has stored within it all the anti-smoking programs, potions and lotions that had been advertised over the years. The answer for the one that would best suit you is already there just for the asking.
The next thing to prepare is your body! Start eating as healthy as possible limiting your intake of all sugar, caffeine, and alcohol! Of course as a medical doctor, and if possible, I recommend no sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine, but this is not necessary in this journey of recovery from nicotine. Start exercising very moderately as this will begin to condition your body to produce its own feel-good chemicals. These feel-good chemicals are germane to your recovery as the nicotine is removed from your system a void will be created in your brain and the best way to fill this void is with natural endorphins produced through exercise and proper nutrition.
The next thing to prepare is your soul/spirit! Let’s face it smoking is a self centered endeavor and serves to bring pleasure (although artificially) to no one but yourself. Becoming spiritually fit’s a matter of love flowing outward to other people. The greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. You see the truth is we already love ourselves far too much and the mystery behind the truth of these words is that when we allow our love to flow out and serve our fellow man the desires of our heart are given to us by our heavenly father. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and his spirit wants nothing more than a healthy and happy body. Prayers of this nature are always answered. Let the good Lord know that you want to quit smoking and you need his help. Choose quality uplifting spiritual materials to read and stay away from TV and magazines that glorify and or advertise smoking products.
This could very well be really important section of this particular matter. I recommend treating nicotine like any other addictive drug in regards to withdraw. It’s important to minimize debilitating withdrawal effects by reducing every 3 days the amount of the given addictive drug. With narcotics, this would translate to approximately 10% of the existing does every 3 days. Cigarettes on the other hand are a inconsistent delivery system of nicotine, therefore how many puffs, how deeply inhaled, and how long the smoke is retained within the lungs, all allow for an inconsistent absorption. So the good rule of thumb would be to reduce the amount of cigarette you smoked per day by 10% until you are down to just a few cigarettes a day. Your nicotine levels will now be very low, greatly reducing the discomfort of the 3 to 5 days that it’ll take for the withdraw, and before, technically, you’re nicotine free. However remember being nicotine free is only the beginning of quitting smoking. The real work becomes staying nicotine free after the withdrawal process has ended. You’re now in the realm of mental effects, and this is where the rubber really meets the road.
Cigarette Smoking Facts
It’s important to rid your home, office and car of all smoking related paraphernalia as well as avoiding all people places and things where smoking was encouraged. I highly recommend you hang with a crowd of non-smokers as this will make long-term freedom that much easier. Your church or synagogue is a great place for this kind of support, and I encourage you to let everyone know that you have quit smoking and you need their help, their prayers and support! If you’ve never done it before, I would highly recommend you consider fasting along with your prayer on a regular basis and with spiritual consultation from your rabbi or pastor.
If possible understand this article properly, the issue and the results have a range of versions. Do not ever underestimate not only the power of prayer, but also the power of praying people! I guarantee you’ll be filled with physical energy that was previously being sapped by this ravenous chemical. A little exercise, a better diet, and the absence of nicotine in your system will find you with an increased energy that needs to be channeled in the flow, outward from yourself! Resolve to volunteer your time, talent and treasure to those less fortunate than your self and make sure to drop that extra money saved (from quitting) into the offering plate. These disciplines need to become a way of life, a tobacco free, addiction free, life that exemplifies service to others. Before you know it you’ll find yourself a steward of the good, and the blessings that have been bestowed upon you from birth, no longer serving yourself and desires that had become unhealthy and unproductive.
Woody guthrie
These techniques can be used and applied while adhering to any of the smoking cessation programs that are already on the market and available from many venues. Hopefully the program that you choose was a result of your programmed dream-as this is the best way to choose a method that will work for you. And always remember that the programs arethere to assist you in a decision that you need to make with resolute conviction putting your hand on the plow and never looking back.
Dr. Clancy McKenzie, is a national and internationally recognized expert in the field of psychiatry, and psychoanalysis. His contribution of groundbreaking theories and treatment modalities for schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, drug and alcohol addiction, posttraumatic stress disorder, delayed posttraumatic stress disorders, mental illness and phobias. He’s a prolific writer and a published author, and his groundbreaking book “Babies Need Mothers” has garnered rave reviews throughout the mental health community. Dr. Clancy McKenzie consistently utilizes, Programmed Dreams methodologies throughout his practice as he teaches his patients to utilize this profound and powerful self-healing method. Dr. McKenzie’s blog can be found at and further teaching on his method and modalities are explained in depth at Dr. Clancy McKenzie believes in and practices holistic healing for the mind body and soul
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