Early Diagnosis Helps Quicker and More Effective Recovery
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
All eating disorders need adequate treatment. Bulimia needs to be treated after detections and diagnosis as the disorder can have serious health implications and can even reach life-threatening proportions. Diagnosis often takes time as the affected person doesn’t acknowledge the disorder willingly. A person affected by bulimia is caught up in a vicious cycle of binging followed by purging. This is often done in secret, and because their may be no change in body weight or size, it can be difficult to diagnose. Bulimia treatment and recovery is possible if treated comprehensively after diagnosis. The treatment is carried out in specialized centers and can be outpatient, day or residential depending on the severity of the disorder.

Bulimia Treatment – Castlewood is a residential eating disorder treatment center providing professional treatment for bulimia, anorexia nervosa, compulsive over-eating and binge eating disorders.
Bulimia – Treatment – NHS Choices You can recover from bulimia, but it may be a long and difficult process. The first step towards getting better is to recognise the problem and to have a.
Bulimia nervosa: Treatments and drugs – MayoClinic.com When you have bulimia, you may need several types of treatment, although combining psychotherapy with antidepressants may be the most effective for