Visualization & Self-Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Different methods are used by people to stop smoking. Some use nicotine patches, medication while some other people try to do it with the help of their willpower. Studies have shown that most of such attempts failed with only very few succeeding in their efforts. Many have found it beneficial to try the technique of self hypnosis for getting rid of this bad habit.

By using self hypnosis we can successfully modify our outlook to smoking inside our subconscious mind and this method is the most appropriate one for stopping smoking habit.

Parts of self-hypnosis
In the next few sections we’ll closely study various parts of this technique which are:

Relaxation Scripts Visualization

Relaxation: it’s a very important part of self hypnosis and helps the person in hypnotizing himself. In the beginning you’ll start off with learning different relaxation techniques and how your mind can open up and start accepting new suggestions.

Scripts: As an integral part of self hypnosis method the person will also have to study how to create phrases and scripts. The person will have to repeat these phrases or scripts in his mind to train his subconscious part of mind.

A further beneficial idea with regards to this matter. Visualization: Visualization has an important role to play and eases the process of quitting the smoking habit. Since visualization is a valuable and essential part of self hypnosis, we’ll study it in more detail in the next few sections.

Advantages of Visualization

By visualizing any work we’re able to do that particular work more easily and efficiently. At the onset when people begin learning this technique it’s seen that dissociated visualizations start to appear in which they’re able to develop images on their own inside the mind quite similar to looking at people on television.

The benefit of dissociated visualization is that using it people can visualize an end result with the emotion associated with it. For example, they may visualize themselves free of smoking and the good feelings they’ll have in them after they become free from this addiction. By imaging performing something like we do in reality, it becomes a lot simpler to actually accomplish it.

Visualization Steps

As a first step of visualization try to see that you have stopped smoking. Having said that, to increase the effect on your mind you can develop images inside the mind with the help of your imagination. Emotions have significant role in anything we do and it’s often seen that emotionally charged propositions made in hypnotic state get quicker response from our mind. So to expedite the process of quitting this addiction try and visualize the relaxation you’ll gain after stopping this habit.

Some of the most common words that you can use in your self hypnosis scripts that are full of emotions are like; sparkling, thrilling, wonderful, exciting and similar other words.

Example Illustrating Use of Visualization

Visualizations are one form of suggestion that we provide to our mind and more dramatic the images that you create are, the better effect visualization has on the subconscious mind. As an example illustrating how it works, try and imagine tobacco smoke. Create a feeling within which tells you it smells and tastes really bad. Relate and associate it to normal smoke so that mind feels it’s a totally disgusting thing. You can also create a similarity to bad odor of garbage or shoes.

Along with self hypnosis, visualization plays an important role in helping you stop smoking. You’ll quickly understand that imagining and visualizing are simple but really effective mediums that work effortlessly to implement the changes. The other thing is that through the process of visualization we can see ourselves in good health after quitting the smoking habit and this makes us feel that it’s possible to stop the addiction thus assisting our mind to achieve this goal easily.

Jeremy Atkin has been a writer and researcher on Self-Hypnosis for more than twenty years. He is read numerous books on Self Hypnosis, the Human Psyche, NLP and wrote his own scripts and created Self-Hypnosis Audios to successfully rid himself of smoking, obesity and poor concentration.

Want to read more on Stopping Smoking, Visualization and Self-Hypnosis Visit my website at for FREE information on Self-Hypnosis and how you can start using Self-Hypnosis today.

Preventing Arthritis As We Get Older

To an extent, we all experience some degree of osteoarthritis as we get older as our joint cartilage wears down from age and use. But, some people have a lot of osteoarthritis at a relatively early age and others have very little at an advanced age. The goal with arthritis, as with other aspects of aging, is to slow the development. This is best begun early in life, but the lifestyle choices that help postpone arthritis help at any age and also help the heart and blood vessels. The following 3 principles may sound very familiar to some people but have some many benefits to your health.

The first principle is to keep fit. Exercise increases the overall strength of your bones and the stability of the supporting ligaments and tendons. Exercise feeds the joint cartilage by bringing nutrients to the cartilage and removing waste products. Performing regular, low impact exercise that’s a permanent part of your lifestyle is required to gain these anti-arthritis benefits.

Please understand this short article cautiously, the case and the options have countless versions. Controlling your weight is the next principle in slowing down the development of arthritis in you joints. Being overweight places unnecessary stress on your joints by changing the angles at which the ligaments attach to the bone as well as the additional impact on the feet, ankles, knees, hips and lower back.

The third important principle is the need to protect your joints. You should always listen to the pain messages that your body sends you and perform the activities that cause those signals in a less stressful way if at all possible. Your joints, ligaments and tendons can be damaged by misuse of a part that’s already injured. Unfortunately in today’s society it’s common practice that’s something is causing you pain to just pop a pill and just continue the activity. By doing so the injury is still there, you’re just not hearing the messages from your body to stop. This is actually causing more damage and more pain in the future. Listen to your body and change the activity as appropriate.

As we get older suffering from arthritis becomes more and more of a reality, especially when you start to consider elder care health. Some people never suffer or have extremely minor symptoms of arthritis. For many others, arthritis can be a crippling condition that limits or completely eliminates any ability of mobility. By taking low impact and sensible actions you’re able to postpone if not completely avoid the symptoms of arthritis.

For almost twenty years I’ve been an active contributor to many online publications. The topics I find interesting range from hobbies such as jewelry making to much more serious topics as healthcare.

Information On Rheumatoid Arthritis, & What To Do With It

Information on rheumatoid arthritis as written here is not particularly useful unless you act on it to try and ease the joint pain and discomfort associated with the condition. In a nutshell, rheumatoid arthritis causes the immune system to launch an attack on certain joints in the body.

Often, the joints swell, become inflamed and very painful, which in turn can cause loss of mobility. The condition can also affect other parts of the body, such as the heart, the skin, the lungs, the blood vessels and muscles.

The disease is progressive, and as it continues its course, the joints become eroded with the surface gradually being destroyed. This can lead to deformity and considerable loss of mobility. The stiffnes is usually worst in the mornings. But typically, after an hour or so the joint stiffness eases and allows better movement. This is opposite to the effects of osteoarthritis, which usually becomes more painful as the day progresses, due to the continued use of the joints.

Please evaluate this particular blog post thoroughly, the problem and the techniques have different different versions. Rheumatoid arthritis can start at any age, but most common begins in people who are in the twenty to fourty age group. Family history plays a part, so if either of your parents have it, there is a heightened risk of you developing it also. It occurrs more often in women than in men. Smoking also plays a role, as smokers are 4 times more likely to develop the disease than non-smokers.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – YouTube: Josh White interviewing Rod White (Diagnosed for five years)

Treating rheumatoid arthritis is usually an ongoing requirement. Remission can be achieved through aggressive and persistent treatment. Exercise has been shown to help considerably, as well as a healthy balanced diet. Evidence suggests that a diet high in fish, fruit, vegetables and olive oil, as well as moderate amounts of wine, especially red wine, can help. But nevertheless, a diet of this kind is likely to help most conditions and should really be enjoyed by everyone.

Are You Using the Triple Combination For Success? Quit Smoking Aids

Are you confused by the plethora of quit smoking aids on the market today? Perhaps you’ve even heard the retort that if one quit smoking aid works then why do we’ve so many others?Well, the truth of the matter is that nothing that’s NO ONE quit smoking treatment is good for all people. Take for example the volume of antibiotics we’ve on the market today. If you just looked on the surface and didn’t know some basic science you’d think that the market is just overcrowded. When in reality there are millions of bugs out there. And no ONE anti-biotic works on all them at the same effectiveness.

Quit smoking aids is no different. Here’s what I mean. Some people that smoke one or 2 packs a day are at a totally different level of their addiction versus the social smoker. The makers of these treatments are really trying to give you what you want. A safe and effective quit smoking regimen that’s easy to do and will work. So you’ve got a triple combination of these treatments. Now, the best treatments to date are those in which you combine 2 or more regimens to combat your addiction.

Please study this particular blog post very cautiously, the situation and the options have numerous versions. Are not you worth it? Of course. So, stop trying to be super hero and only taking one treatment. Do multiple or what I call triple combination quit smoking helps. The first is the nicotine based smoking aids. They include the nasal spray, chewing gum, trans-dermal patches and products such like these that represent a good strong first line of offense.

The second is the drug base quit smoking aids. This includes prescription drugs like Chantix, Zyban, and the over counter varieties in other countries like Canada. These drugs work on the nicotine receptors in various formats to curb your cravings. To a minimum. The final treatment is to use quit smoking aids that don’t contain medications at all. Why not? You’ve got nothing to lose but the cigarettes. Under this category would be included herbal treatments for quit smoking assistance as well as skilled therapists and hypnotherapy, lasers and such like.

This entire idea of using a triple combination is gaining more and more momentum. The reason being is that health insurance companies are forcing employers to coerce their employees to quit smoking. They’re interested in the cost savings. I’m interested in your health. You really should make a concerted effort to move this addiction out of your life.

Todd D. Lloyd offers the Best eLetter on smoking cessation of all time. Get your free Quit Smoking Aids fact sheet OR click here to for free access to the Easy Quit System Review [] today.

Stop Taking It Now! Arthritis in Fingers Pain Medication

The major factor that makes arthritis in fingers a dangerous disease is the excruciating pain that it causes and therefore arthritis in fingers pain medication should be done immediately.

In normal practice it’s almost impossible to eliminate it completely, but to keep it to a minimum level it’s essential that proper medication is started as soon as the symptoms start to appear. Arthritis in fingers pain medication includes the oral medications along with injections which could be intravenous or intramuscular. Surgical treatments and acupuncture may also prove helpful but aren’t considered as medications and therefore not discussed in detail in this article.

We should proceed with this piece of content. If the inflammation has recently started and the pain is not very severe, then common pain-relievers such as Brufen can be taken according to doctor’s advice. It’s to be noted that arthritis in fingers pain medication must be followed strictly, without any carelessness if positive results are desired. These medications, however, will only provide temporary relief from the pain and swelling and will also have side effects if used excessively. It’s important to understand that along with these medications, a patient with this disease must refrain from any tasks that require excessive movement of the fingers.

The other option that can be used for arthritis in fingers pain medication is the use of some intravenous or intramuscular injections. The most used injection is cortisone which is directly injected in the affected joint for relieving the pain and swelling. Cortisone is one of the strongest medications that are used for the purpose of relieving inflammation and therefore the pain of arthritis in fingers also vanishes instantly after the use of cortisone. However, just like the oral medications the affect of cortisone will also last only for a few weeks or months and the inflammation will return. There is also some chance of getting an infection because of injecting the medicine in the joint, which can worsen the condition of the patient.

There are some herbal medications also that are used to decrease the inflammation caused as a result of this common disease. The main ingredients of these medicines are ginger and turmeric which are considered as natural remedy for inflammation. There are some other treatments also which include surgery, such as the fusion surgery or the artificial joint replacement surgery which can be done instead of taking arthritis in fingers pain medication.

The Effects of Smoking While Detoxing Your Body

It seems that although many people want to detox their body to get rid of any toxins or impurities but those that smoke, are reluctant to stop smoking while using detoxification products.

One thought some feel it is okay to carry on smoking while detoxing is that they think that because the body inhales and exhales so many times a day, the toxins within the lungs wouldn’t remain.

This is a myth, as the lung is moist and toxin particle’s generally stick to the wall of the lung. This is rarely the case with lungs of non-smokers, as healthy lungs have white blood cells called macrophages that eliminate these impurities from the body. Smokers have a layer of tar that clogs up the macrophages. To get rid of the tar from inside of the lung naturally could take anything from ten – twenty years which means the harmful toxins within the lung will remain and you’re for more perceptible to cause of infection and lung cancer.

One other helpful part close to this study. Although the lung is quite unique, they’re linked to almost every other body organ by the blood stream. Due to this reason, this is why detoxing your lungs is completely different to detoxing your liver; although it can still be done as a purpose to remove the toxins from this part of your body and assist on reducing respiratory health issues.

Should you be detoxing your lungs, it’s important to ensure you don’t take up smoking afterwards, as although addiction to cigarettes can be extremely hard to quit, it’s evident that smokers who have cleansed their lungs from the tar and nicotine that has built up over the years they’ve been smoking often find the smell of smokers unpleasant.

Once you have cleansed your lungs from the tar build up, and feel refreshed from numerous benefits of not smoking, including; ease of breath and not coughing along with added benefit of not having the cravings of nicotine as the toxins have been flushed away faster than trying to detox naturally, it’s usually the case that many smokers that have quit while detoxing have remained non-smokers afterwards.

To find out more about the added benefits of lung detoxification, please click the link below.

Barrie is a social blogger writing about what ever is on his mind at that moment in time. With a number of years experience in blogging and article writing, thought it only right to share what he’s thinking about.

Understanding Those With Rheumatoid Arthritis

While we all get joint pains from time to time, suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) takes the pain that one experiences from moving to a whole new level. Not only does the pain make some very common activities difficult, in the more extreme cases, the condition can seriously impair an individual’s quality of life. Unfortunately, however because the pain experienced by the condition is hidden to others, those who have RA often suffer in silence.

Unlike other conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease or Psoriasis where the effects of the disease are more visible, those suffering from RA are simply viewed as healthy. As a consequence, when RA sufferers mention their pains or difficulties in getting out of bed in the morning, the result can often be an unsympathetic response from others who interpret the behavior as a sign of laziness or come to view the RA sufferer as a complainer.

The other beneficial subject with reference to this study. Unfortunately, just like these other conditions, RA is incurable and chronic. The medications currently available only moderate the effects of the disease. They don’t eliminate it. In many cases, those with Rheumatoid Arthritis will need to take more potent drugs over time while at the same time facing slowly degrading mobility and health as damage done over time accumulates.

Dr. Larry Willis on Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women – YouTube: Dr. Larry Willis with McBride Clinic talks about Rheumatoid Arthritis and how it affects women on KFOR news.

In an individual’s personal life, RA can also cause chaos to reign, as the symptoms and their severity can change significantly in a very short time period. The best laid plans can quickly unravel when an RA sufferer wakes up in the morning too stiff to move or in rather significant pain. If friends and family aren’t supportive, they can interpret such behavior negatively, questioning whether the RA sufferer is making excuses to avoid prior commitments.

In the work environment, employers can also be unsympathetic even in cases where the employee with RA has tried to make clear the limitations that the condition puts on them. Many employers will often forget that an individual has RA or won’t understand that some days are worse than others with effects on an employee’s ability to perform tasks. This inconsistency in behavior is often not associated with the effects of the condition, but rather with the RA sufferer’s personality.

Now while all this might sound like a call to awareness on behalf of RA sufferers, it’s also a call for those with RA to take on a more active role as educators to those around them. It’s a call to be a better advocate in raising the awareness of this debilitating condition. With Rheumatoid Arthritis being a hidden disease, those with the condition must work hard to raise its profile. If not the RA sufferer, who else is going to take up the cause with necessary enthusiasm?

As can be seen from the efforts surrounding AIDS and Breast Cancer, when a cause can capture the imagination of enough people, important strides can be made in making people aware of the condition.

Jason Kaay is the founder of, a health community for those affected by injuries, chronic illness, medications, and surgeries. To help take control of your health and to meet other people with similar health experiences, check out what others are saying in the Wellescent Wellness Forums.

About Gum Disease, Smoker’s Teeth, & Throat Cancers | Health Effects of Smoking Cigarettes

The oral health effects of smoking cigarettes include an increased risk of periodontal disease, and mouth and throat cancers. Smoker’s teeth are the characteristic yellow teeth caused by the deposits of cigarette tar on the tooth surface. Periodontal disease is the infection of the gums and bones that support and nourish the teeth. Mouth and throat cancers include cancer of the tongue, larynx and esophagus. The smoking facts reveal that oral health is profoundly affected by smoking cigarettes.

Smoking Facts - Facts about

Smoking Facts – Facts about

There are several ways in which the environment of the mouth is altered by cigarette smoking leading to the dramatic changes in oral health in smokers.

Cigarette smoking changes the factors that are necessary to maintain a good healthy mouth and throat and these changes in turn create the known oral diseases caused by smoking as well as the undesirable cosmetic effects.

Deposits of cigarette tar on the tooth surface:

Over time the grooves and pits of teeth become stained from deposits of cigarette tar. This discoloration becomes permanent and is so characteristic as one of the cosmetic effects of smoking cigarettes that the condition is recognized as smoker’s teeth.

Reduction in the amount and nature of the saliva:

Good oral health is maintained by the production of proper amounts of saliva. The teeth are protected from infection by the special antibodies in saliva and its constant action of bathing and rinsing all dental surfaces.

Both these specific characteristics of saliva are diminished by smoking. Not only are the antibodies absent in the saliva of smokers but there is not as much saliva produced. This leaves your teeth and gums vulnerable to infection and since your immune system is compromised as well, when you do get infections in your mouth it can progress and become much more serious because of the reduced response of your immune system.

Smoking has been shown to be one of the main causes of gum disease. A heavy smoker is more than six times more likely to have periodontal disease than a nonsmoker.

Reduced nourishment to the tissues:

Nicotine is a powerful vaso-constrictor and results in decreased blood supply to all tissues. Oral health is profoundly affected by this reduced blood supply to the structures that support the teeth, like the gums and the bones. Gradually these tissues become so malnourished the tissue health can’t be maintained and teeth start to fall out.

There are more toothless grins among smokers than there are among non-smokers.

Contact with the Carcinogenic Ingredients in Cigarettes
One additional insightful idea concerning this subject. Many of the ingredients in cigarettes are known to cause cancer. The constant contact of the oral tissues with these chemicals increases the likelihood of oral and throat cancers and the oral health risks of smoking increase with the amount smoked. The more you smoke the higher your chances of developing cancer of the tongue or one of the types of throat cancers such as cancer of the larynx (voicebox) or the esophagus.

Here are some smoking facts about oral and throat cancers:

The risk for cancer of the larynx in smokers is 10 times that of non smokers. The number one risk factor for cancer of the tongue and oral cancers in people over fifty is the use of tobacco and in fact ninety-five per cent of oral cancers occur in people over the age of fourty seventy-five per cent of oral cancers occur in people who use alcohol, tobacco, or both alcohol and tobacco. Of all the people who are diagnosed with mouth and throat cancer this year only about fifty per cent will still be alive five years from now. Yellow teeth, toothless grins, periodontal gum disease, and mouth and throat cancers are all among the oral health effects of smoking.

It’s enough to make you sick and it does not look too pretty either.

Will these smoking facts make a difference to you or will you continue using smoking fiction? Explore the various reasons used to justify a smoking addiction at where Beverly Hansen OMalley provides even more information about the facts on smoking diseases and health effects.

Ranp31 commented before:
Facts about smoking moldy weed.? Ok, I understand not alot of people agree with smoking weed BUT, i've searched online about moldy weed and found that its just bad for you (or so people say), but i want to know WHY is it bad, what will happen if you smoke moldy weed? I've read about the fungi and bacteria that grow on weed, but nobody has told me what will happen….? My best friend is a quadriplegic. He smokes weed to get rid of some of his physical pain, hes been smoking this weed for MONTHS, but he's never known it was moldy because you could barely see it, it was just beginning to get moldy. As is, his respiratory system is terrible, and his immune system is horrible as well. I just want to make sure that he’ll be alright, and if not, obviously take immediate action for him. I’vent broken the news to him yet because i wanna know ALL the FACTS about smoking moldy weed before I bring it up to him. I've been smoking this weed for a few months now, unknowingly that it had mold on it! I always found that it had a different smell & taste compared to other weed but I didnt think anything of it, it looked normal. Usually when I smoke it, i get a headache, I’ll get phlegm every time, and as usual, cough alot……. Can anybody help me?